FROM THE MANAGER: Good afternoon! Due to the hard work of Amanda, Tracy, Corey and Robert Oldenkamp, we are able to open the Community Center TOMORROW – SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 2021. Regular hours – 10:00 am – 9:00 pm. Pool and hot tub will be open but sauna remains closed. Owners’ mail is in the corner by my office. You will notice that the book shelves are not in place at this time. New matching book shelves will be brought in within the next month and then books will be back out. (They currently are not). Thank you for the patience …
Author: Cindy
Community Center Remains Closed Until 04/12/21
FROM THE MANAGER: Hello Harbor Cove Owners: As you all are aware, the Community Center has been getting a much needed face lift over the last week. We had hoped to have the work completed by today. However, the project is quite large, and despite the efforts and hard work of the painters, we are looking at a few more days to complete everything. We will hopefully start the process of putting the Community Center back together late this week. For planning purposes, we estimate the Community Center will re-open on Monday, April 12. Until then, the COMMUNITY CENTER WILL …
Community Center Closed 3/29-4/5/21
From the Property Manager: Good morning Harbor Cove Co-Owners, As you are all aware, the Community Center is in the process of its major overhaul (painting, flooring, etc). The painters have been working diligently and are making great progress.Due to logistics and efficiency, the decision has been made to close the Community Center. THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY CENTER WILL BE CLOSED STARTING MONDAY, MARCH 29, 2021 THROUGH MONDAY APRIL 5, 2021. THIS INCLUDES THE OFFICE and THE POOL/HOT TUB AREA. We understand that this may cause some inconveniences but feel it is necessary for the safety of everyone (owners, office staff, …
Hot Tub is Open!
From the Manager: I wanted to take a few minutes to let you all know that the Board of Directors voted to OPEN THE HOT TUB in the Community Center!!!!!! Maintenance did a completed drain, scrub, backwash and restart of the hot tub and it looks GREAT! The heater is giving us a hard time and we have not been able to maintain hot tub temperatures. Our pool boiler company has been called and we anticipate them coming out to correct our problem. Fingers crossed we don’t need any parts! SO, with that said, the hot tub is open but …
Harbor Cove Update 09/25/2020
From the Manager: Hello on the beautiful Fall day!! THE COMMUNITY CENTER AND THE BEACH HOUSE ARE BOTH OPEN!!!!!!!!!! After MUCH consultation, coordination and sheer determination, the buildings at Harbor Cove are now open for use! Hours are 10 am – 9 pm for both buildings!(Pool building cannot be accessed after 8:30 pm and all must EXIT building by 9:00 pm) Community Center Masks must be worn unless swimming Limit of 17 people TOTAL in pool area Limit of 4 people TOTAL in observation room Limit of 25 people TOTAL in Great Room Social distance from persons not from your …
Harbor Cove Update 09/12/2020
From the Harbor Cove Manager:Good afternoon Harbor Cove Co-Owners: This week Fall has arrived in Northern Michigan. The leaves are starting to change (seems way too early to me!) and it definitely has gotten cooler!! We closed the outdoor pool and the remarcite and tile work has begun. They should be finishing (weather permitting) at the end of next week. Then we will refill the pool to circulate and cure the plaster for 30 days. After that, we will winterize the pool. With the newest executive order allowing for the indoor pool and Community Center to open, the Board and …
Harbor Cove Update 08/07/2020
From the Harbor Cove Manager: Hello Harbor Cove Owners! Reminders:1) The ASH buckets at the beach House are for ASHES from the grills – these are NOT garbage cans. There are three LARGE garbage cans surrounding the Beach House plus a garbage dumpster in the parking lot. PLEASE use these instead of the ash buckets and please alert guests and renters of the same. 2) Security and Community Property Assistants are hired to check amenity badges. Please have one per party with you each day. It is not their responsibility to “remember” you or “know” who you are. It is …
Harbor Cove Update 07/31/2020
From the Harbor Cove Manager: Happy Friday! I hope this finds everyone enjoying the beautiful weather Harbor Springs has been experiencing!!! It has been a very busy week at HC – lots of people!A few reminders for the weekend and coming weeks: Owners that rent – PLEASE remind renters that they are not permitted to use the amenities AFTER they have checked out. They need to have an amenity badge and the amenities are for OCCUPANTS only. This past week, we had a couple units check out but then continued to use the beach. When asked to leave, they got …
4th of July Update
All 4th of July events in Harbor Springs, Petoskey & Bay Harbor have been cancelled. Reminder: NO FIREWORKS are allowed on any Harbor Cove property, either community property or individual associations. This includes sparklers and Chinese lanterns.